Become Walk & Talk Therapy Trained

and join the 1000+ therapists who have already completed this training to take their therapy into the outdoors

“Nature has the power to heal because it is where we are from, it is where we belong and it belongs to us as an essential part of our health and our survival.”

Metaphors in Nature

Nature as your co-therapist

When we are in nature we are surrounded by metaphor. Maybe a sense of being "stuck in the mud" or "tangled" in a situation like the roots of a tree. In this training we introduce the concept that nature becomes your co-therapist and how we can work with nature to assist clients to make sense of their experiences.

Creativity in Nature

Nature as your co-therapist

When we step into nature with a client, nature becomes your new therapy room with it's richness of colour, movement, shapes, sounds and smells. In this training we will explore ways that you can embrace creative elements within nature as part of the therapeutic process.

Flexible payments

As a not-for-profit organisation we aim to make training as affordable as possible by offering flexible payments. You can choose to pay in full or to split your payments over two months. (If you split your payments then we will automatically collect your second payment in one months time)

Are you drawn to offering therapy in outdoor spaces?

The term ‘ecopsychology’, which is the study of the mental health benefit of being in nature, can be credited to Theodore Roszak, who wrote about this in 1992 in his book "The Voice of the Earth". His main philosophy is that our minds are impacted by the modern world but originate in nature, and that as a result of disconnect from nature we suffer. As humans we have a calling to emotionally connect with nature and as therapists we can create space for our clients to process difficult emotions and experiences while being held in nature. We know that there are many benefits to mental health when we spend time in green spaces and Walk & Talk Counselling / Ecotherapy options are growing in popularity as we see more and more counsellors exploring what it is like to meet clients in the outdoors. This training will guide you through how to set up your practice safely and with confidence to take your therapy outside.

What are the benefits of offering therapy in the outdoors?

  • A break from the screen or sitting in a closed therapy room

  • Less anxiety for the client in moving from face to face eye contact to side by side walking

  • Grounding and stabilisation through bilateral movement - the ability to process painful emotions while moving the body

  • Clients often report feeling less claustrophobic

  • Exercise and movement boost endorphins and feel good chemicals

  • Nature offers a naturally grounding experience

  • Clients often report feeling as though they can breathe in outdoor spaces

  • Offers an additional space for clients when a therapy room is not available

Included in your training package

Your Private Practice - Get started downloadable kit

  • Example Risk Assessment PDF

    Instant Download

    This example risk assessment guidance PDF is a handy reference point to support you in creating your own risk assessment of your walks which is important to meet your insurance requirements

  • Special Considerations PDF

    Instant Download

    This quick downloadable guide helps you to think about special medical considerations when preparing clients for walking in the outdoors

  • Example Counselling Agreement PDF

    Instant Download

    This example agreement covers some additional assessment questions to consider asking clients in preparation for offering therapy in nature. Exploring safety, triggers and other nudges in preparation

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction: What is Walk & Talk Therapy (10Mins)

    2. Creative Metaphors in Nature: Exercise (10 Minutes)

    3. Lone Working, Safety, Risk Assessment & Practical Considerations in the Outdoors (60 Minutes)

    4. Risk Continued: Emotional Assessments, Working with Young People & Other Factors to Consider (20 Minutes)

    5. Exploring Metaphors in Nature - The Power of Nature in Therapy (15 Minutes)

    6. Nature as Your Co-Therapist (20 Minutes)

    1. Download & Explore Your Walk & Talk Risk Assessment Example (5 Minutes)

    2. Download & Explore Your Special considerations Example (5 Minutes)

    3. Download Your Example Counselling Agreement Example (5 Minutes)

    4. Download your

    1. Training Feedback & Reflection (10 Minutes)

    2. Download your Walk and Talk Therapy Trained Logo (2 Minutes)

    3. Congratulations! (2 Minutes)

About this course

  • £49.99
  • 13 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

Flexible payments

As a not-for-profit organisation we aim to make training as affordable as possible by offering flexible payments. You can choose to pay in full or to split your payments over two months. (If you split your payments then we will automatically collect your second payment in one months time)


  • When and how do I get access to my training?

    You get instant access as soon as you sign up and can watch your training from any device with 24/7 access.

  • How long do I have to complete my three hour training?

    You have 12 months from your sign up date to complete this training. You can also request additional time if you need this!

  • Do I get a certificate?

    Yes! You will receive a certificate and logo to show that you have completed this training.

  • Do you offer group discounts for organisations?

    Yes we do! Contact [email protected] to find out more.