Limited spaces - Starting on the 15th September 2024

Course dates (8 days): 14th, 15th & 16th September + 11th, 12th & 13th October + 8th & 9th November 2024 (10am - 3pm UK)

  • 00 Days
  • 00 Hours
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Would you like to learn how to confidently facilitate creative interventions to enhance your core therapeutic approach?

Join thousands of trainee and qualified therapists who are already embracing creativity for self-care, self-development and client transformation through our courses and programmes!

"I was completely lost, unable to find the words to describe my experiences. Stuck in the mud of my life. Fearing my future and never able to express what I needed. Creativity pulled out the plug that blocked my healing. Allowing me to give movement to my sadness, colour to my hopes and meaning to my dreams. The impossible made possible."

Your training experience is important to us!

We are so passionate about this training that we go above and beyond to ensure that you have a great experience with us.

  • Live On Zoom

    Each training module runs live on Zoom from 10am - 3pm (UK). We don't record the training as these are CPCAB endorsed and require live attendance to complete.

  • Individual Module Certificates

    For every module you complete you receive a certificate. This means you can track your progress and download these as proof of completion of each individual day.

  • Flexibility

    We know that sometimes with the best of intentions that life can get in the way. So if you miss a module you are invited to join a future cohort to catch up on that day. This is the magic of individual modules.

  • Payment Plan

    We want to make this training as affordable and accessible as we can for members. So we offer three payment options to choose from. A pay in full, pay in 3 or pay in 6 plan on checkout. Simply select the plan that suits your budget or contact us to discuss a different option.

  • Cohort Community

    We recognise how important community is for our attendees, so we facilitate a space for attendees to connect with each other in between modules. To inspire and support each other.

  • Complimentary Resources

    We provide you with a PDF copy of our training slides so you can revisit what we have explored during the training. We also give you bonus creative resources to support your journey, which are downloadable for your counselling practice.

  • Live Demonstrations

    We know how useful live demonstrations are when learning a new therapeutic tool and so our training offers demonstrations for you to see the approaches in practice. Cementing your learning and offering a reflective space to deepen our knowledge together as a community.

  • Free Nesting Dolls Module

    When you sign up for this training, you get automatic access to our popular on demand self study nesting dolls training. This 2.5 hour training walks you through how to work with nesting dolls in the therapy room. (This is not CPCAB endorsed as it is a self-study on demand training).

CPCAB Endorsed

These training modules have been endorsed by the CPCAB (Counselling & Psychotherapy Central Awarding Body) which is the only awarding body which is run by counsellors for counsellors. Professional recognition is important to us and we know that it is to our attendees too! Although the total completion time for all modules and extras is 42 hours, your CPCAB endorsed certificate will be awarded for 32 hours to account for breaks.

Eight individual modules delivered over 8 days

Module 1 - Creative Counselling Interventions: Grounding & Stabilisation

Panic attacks, flashbacks, nightmares and sleep paralysis are just some of the issues clients bring into the counselling room. In this module we explore a variety of creative grounding tools and interventions. These support and empower clients inside and outside the therapy room. Grounding supports us as counsellors to hold the client safely, therefore reducing the potential for vicarious trauma and burnout

  • Working with all of our senses when grounding for both client and counsellor

  • Practical tools for before, during and after session

  • Demonstration of grounding tools in practice

  • Practical & creative grounding exercises

  • Creativity as a grounding tool

  • Symbols, breathing & art for anchoring/grounding

  • Fight, Flight & Freeze

  • Mind, Body & Feelings in the grounding process

Module 2 - Creative Counselling Interventions: Exploring Trauma

Trauma presents in many ways within the counselling room and in this module we will explore how we can support clients when words alone are not enough. We will explore the central nervous system and fight, flight or freeze from a creative approach. We will look at the different types of trauma that clients may present with and explore creative interventions and tools to support them to express themselves including:

  • Fight, Flight & Freeze Response

  • Working Creatively with Survivors of Sexual Violence / Domestic Violence

  • Dissociation

  • Trauma Bonding

  • MBFI – Mind, Body, Feelings, Intuition in Trauma Work

  • Vicarious Trauma & Secondary Trauma

  • Polyvagal & The Autonomic Nervous System

Module 3 - Creative Counselling Interventions: Symbols & Metaphor

The nurturing mother. The fiery & protective dragon. The wise old owl. The healing angel. The entertaining joker. We use symbols everyday without recognising it. We are creatures of metaphor and this can be very helpful when supporting clients to explore their own perceptions, beliefs, experiences, relationships and emotions. Symbolism is one of the pillars of creative counselling and it helps us to see things from a clients perspective. In this training we will explore how to safely work with symbols, empowering our clients while nurturing autonomy. In this CPD, we will explore:

  • The what, how and who of symbols?

  • Ethical considerations when working with symbols

  • Exploring Archetypes, symbols & their meanings to you

  • Exploring the conscious and unconscious connection

  • Essential symbols to collect and how to build your resources

  • Light and shadow work with symbols

Module 4 - Creative Counselling Interventions: Fairytales, Stories & Characters

In this CPD we will take a journey “down the rabbit hole” and explore different ways that we can support clients to express their story. Can you sometimes relate to feeling like Alice, stuck in a strange and overwhelming world? Or frustrated like Sebastian the crab felt, when no one paid any attention to him? Imagine what it might feel like if you could jump on a magic carpet and go anywhere? Where would you go, who or what would you leave behind and who or what would you take with you? In this CPD, we will explore:

  • Stories as a tool for exploring our life experiences and the roles we play

  • The unconscious & conscious connectors

  • Creative metaphors in storytelling

  • A live demonstration of working with stories

  • How to support your clients to tell their story

  • Working virtually with characters, stories & fairytales

Module 5 - Creative Counselling Interventions: Cards, Photos & Images

Images capture life. They capture a moment in time. They capture thoughts, feelings and emotions. In counselling we can help clients to explore their own story through photography and images. Helping clients to process their grief, love, fear, anger, hopes, dreams and goals through imagery. This offers us a way of holding space, when words alone are not enough . Imagery works on many different levels within the brain and the body. In this CPD module, we invite you to take a visual and creative journey with us, while we explore:

  • Ways to incorporate therapeutic photography. Self, others and life

  • Different styles of therapeutic cards and how to work with them intuitively

  • Therapeutic cards live demonstration

  • Imagery and metaphor

  • Timelines and story

  • Creating your own cards and images

Module 6 - Creative Counselling Interventions: Art & Colour

From cavemen to colour festivals! Art and colour has always featured in our lives. The therapeutic use of art can be more powerful as a communicator than our words and can often act as the bridge between the conscious and unconscious. “I stopped and looked at the mess that I had created on the paper. Then my heart started to race & I stopped breathing! Right there in the middle of the blue blob, I saw the face of my late father staring back at me. His smiling, caring and loving face. I was overwhelmed with joy!” TA. In this CPD, we will explore:

  • Our connection with colour and its personal meaning for us

  • Free art vs a structured exercises

  • The creative process – pacing and exploring together

  • A live demonstration on working with art & colour

  • Practical and creative exercises for a range of presenting issues

Module 7 - Creative Counselling Interventions: Clay Therapy

Some of the earliest symbols found to date were created from clay. From clay pots, to small dolls to intricate tokens. Clay has always been a part of our lives. Clay is a natural and sensory based therapeutic tool which enables clients to shape their stories, feelings, emotions and experiences into symbols. Because of the sensory nature of clay it can also be a wonderfully grounding tool. Many counsellors work with clay in the counselling room and it can also be a nurturing way to support own self-care. In this CPD, we will explore:

  • Origins of Clay Therapy

  • Working with different types of clay

  • Construction techniques when working with clay

  • Exploring Body Image

  • Exploring clay art and mandalas

  • Exploring symbolism in Clay Therapy

  • Integrating other natural elements within clay work

  • Creating clay symbols for your Creative Counselling Toolkit

Module 8 - Creative Counselling Interventions: Symbols in the Sand

Working in the sand offers us a powerful way of helping clients to express their inner story with symbols. It offers us an anchoring & grounding tool as well as a multi-sensory experience which naturally incorporates Mind, Body & Feelings. This also offers us a way as counsellors to self-care, while releasing any trapped thoughts and emotions we may be holding on to. Join us on this sand adventure:

  • Exploring archetypes and symbols in the sand

  • Creative sand visualisation as a grounding tool

  • Creating sand worlds

  • Exploring relationships in the sand

  • Light & shadow work

  • The conscious and unconscious connection in the sand

Flexible Payment Options (all prices are inclusive of VAT)

You can choose to pay in full or pay in instalments. If you can't find a plan that works for you, please contact [email protected] to discuss further options. If someone else is paying for you, then we can invoice them directly on your behalf. We already work with many local authorities.

A little bit about the course leaders

Hi I'm Tanja, I am a qualified Integrative Counsellor and Therapeutic Coach and in this training, I am joined by Gaynor Rimmer as my co-facilitator. Gaynor is a qualified Integrative Counsellor, Supervisor and Hypnotherapist. We are both BACP members and our training reflects our commitment to the BACP ethical framework.

We launched our training in 2018 with online drop in sessions for counsellors. This quickly grew to our first in person conference and then onto our recognised CPCAB training pathways and our thriving bespoke membership for counsellors and therapists who are drawn to working more creatively. We find that the more confident we become in offering creative interventions, the more we can facilitate our clients to grow in confidence too.  

In 2018 our little community was recognised my Facebook as one of the 115 most inspiring communities in the world and we were invited to join their Facebook Community Leadership Programme. This meant that we were able to take the message of "the power of creativity" all over the world! 

We are deeply committed and passionate about creativity in our own lives and in our counselling practice and we feel honored to be able to share this with you!

As with all of our Creative Counsellors training programmes, we aim to deliver a healthy balance of theory, practical and creative elements and this training is delivered via Zoom so that you can join us from anywhere in the world in a space that suits you.

Answering your questions!

If we haven't answered your questions here, you can contact [email protected]

  • Will I need resources to take part?

    Yes! You will need a range of creative resources to gain the most from this training. Paper, pens, paints, a therapeutic card deck of your choice, symbols, clay and some other creative resources. You will get a full list of suggested resources in your welcome module as soon as you sign up!

  • Do I need to be a qualified counsellor to take this training?

    No, we welcome trainees on this training and know how valuable this can alongside your core training.

  • Are there any exams or written assessments?

    No, this training utilises break out rooms so that you can take part in creative exercises and have time to reflect and process on your experiences. We ask that you take part in group reflections and support others as part of the process.

  • What happens if I miss a module?

    That's ok! As these training days are individual modules in their own right, you can join a future cohort to complete a module.

  • Do I need any software to take part?

    Yes, you will need a Zoom account to access your training days.